There is no self pity when you quit your job.

April 25, 2012 § Leave a comment

I was advised time and time again to not quit my job until I had another one lined up. And I listened. Until six months later I decided I had had enough. I sent too many resumes out with little to no feedback. So I set an exit date and rehearsed my resignation speech. I marched into my boss’ office on April 2nd and handed him my resignation letter.

When people hear someone is quitting, it’s automatic to ask, “Where are you going?” When people ask me, I have no answer. I’m 26 and I’ve finally figured out what direction I want to head in life. Isn’t that enough? My grandmother was married at 16 and had her first child at 17. Fast forward to 2012, I have no kids, no husband, and I’m following my passion. Why can’t that be enough? « Read the rest of this entry »

A Night of Nachos and Margaritas

December 23, 2011 § Leave a comment

A night in NYC doesn’t require high heels or a button down shirt. The best nights are the ones in your favorite jeans with great company, in your choice of foot attire because there is no dress code to comply with. If you’re looking to add a twist or a great spot to play catch up with an old friend, opt for a Nacho Night.

And well if you want to have great nachos, Mexican is definitely the way to go. So select a margarita and devour those nachos on a self-proclaimed Mighty Margarita and Nacho Noche day.  « Read the rest of this entry »

Apple’s Black Music Month Series

December 23, 2011 § Leave a comment

Originally Posted on Yeah New York

Nestled in the somewhat quiet second floor of the Apple Store in Soho, a crowd of just over 100 people chanted for Apple’s Black Music Month musician to come to the stage. Blue wristbands waved in the air as personal cameras simultaneously rose upon Miguel’s appearance. One of just a short list of artists that will be performing in Apple Stores around Manhattan, Miguel put on a memorable performance focusing of living out your dreams and encouraging his fans to follow their passion. « Read the rest of this entry »

Slinkachu: The Little People Project

December 6, 2011 § Leave a comment

Street Art on a Miniature Level: The Little People Project

Street artist Slinkachu takes his art to a miniature level. Launching his Little People Project in 2006, Slinkachu leaves his miniature figures to defend for themselves in big cities. The Acropolis, Athens, Greece,  Homomonument area, Amsterdam, and Holland Wandsworth, London, are only a few places he has snapped photos of his creations before abandoning them. Click to enlarge the pictures of his work below. Make sure you visit his blog where you can view more of his work and purchase his full-color, 55 page catalogue from his recent show Concrete Ocean for less than $25 with shipping!!!.

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